Troop withdrawals start because the People practice their ARVN allies to take over the warfare. See extra in Season 1, Episode 5, “A Altering Battle (1969-1970)/Peace with Honor (1971-1975).”
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What made them think that the south Vietnam army could go in by themselves against the battle hardened north Vietnam army??
I really don't understand the American frase that keeps in use" thanks you for your services "
If you put this against the same people who defended their own countries in services of their own people and freedoms? Is that not legitimate to??
Even now, this is the same language that is being used is scenarios where these honorable people are killing many others overseas. Of course, they are protecting our freedom in an overall though of liberty. But still people are being killed by people 😢
Lam son was a suicide
Average age was …22 ???? Really ???? I thought is was ….nnnnn nineteen …..nineteen ….. nnnnn Nineteen
Brave men ? Cowards went to fight a 3rd world … smaller ..weaker …..poorer country and still got their asses handed to them
Phenomonal to see, that American officers to this day are not trained/capable for riot control
should of listened to Ali what the Vietcong ever do to Americans
brave people xx
It’s a drug war
Kennedy assasinated when he found out elections compromised eliminating Einstines relatively doubling republicans oil. 1919 betz limits fourced the gaps in leonardo designed windmills.blocking new inventions like my automatic feathering flat blade radial windmills produces higgins blossoming. disintegration of planned
throwing a medal away is like a woman will throw of her breast
To All the US Service men who made it back including my cousin who served 4 tours in Nam. Thank you for your Service. Welcome Home.
What an amazing couple. So many women would have and did, give up and move on.
Artillery!!! King of Battle.
My father in law was a US Army LRRP 69-70. All these years later his mind still is not right.
Just like the Biden withdrawal of Afghanistan. He loved checking his wrist watch though. Except they didn’t dump anything in the ocean they left it to the Taliban.
How many million Vietnamese civilians lost their lives ?……. A soldier told me the purpose of the war was for the control of rubber , and everything else the French lost when they were kicked out
Think about that, MAGAs.
The horror..
At least Nixon was man enough to resign for the good of the USA………his crime with Watergate was nothing compared with crimes committed today…..
Blows my mind people took out their anger on the veterans coming home absolutely not their fault they only deserve praise and support