Under the Biden administration, the stock market has never been higher. Corporate profits are the highest they've ever been. Other than socialism for the rich how is feeding hungry school children socialism??????? Republicans are just dumber that hell!!!!!!!!!!!
Republicans have zero clue about what socialism, or Marxism is. The proof that they are politically clueless about political terms is they think overthrowing their elected government is patriotism and supporting an authoritarian is democracy.
95% sure the only reason my family home in the Ohio country got high speed internet this year was BECAUSE of the infrastructure bill. The previous closest high speed cable we could patch into was 15 miles away, and would have cost thousands for the first installation. Now we got to hook up for free.
If you actually talk to someone who lived under a socialist regime… they would laugh at you for saying we are becoming socialist… people love to throw words around to act smart… but they actually sound ignorant
Tim Walz lost the VP debate, bad. Vance ultimately won the debate. There was no hesitation from him throughout. Just on go exposing Kamala/Joes' failures while burying the majority 4 years strong. However, Walz had a huuuuge hesitation when he got called out on his lie about Tiananmen Square. Started stammering all over the place. It was so awkward, and THAT was the moment that made everyone realize he, Kamala, and Joe have been lying all along. Kick rocks
Though the vast majority in America do not want to believe facts& the truth: the truth is is that it is republicans& conservatives in America who actually practice socialism; but they do it in reverse and they do it only for the rich, corporations, the wealthy &businesses. What they do, though it is illegal& immoral, is that they (allegedly) steal from everyone else who is not the rich, corporations, the wealthy & businesses, that is what cuts to social security is, cuts to social security is not actual cuts, it is them stealing from social security, I digress only for them to take the vast majority or if not all that they have (allegedly) stolen and just give it back to the rich, corporations, the wealthy& businesses, which btw that is socialism except that they do it in reverse, they do a reverse Robin Hood, so that they can get bribes, cushy private& public sector jobs and kickbacks; this is trickle down economics aka supply side economics aka Reaganomics 💸‼️📣 But people in America being the law abiding patriots that they are have been voting for this illegal& immoral sins, thefts& crimes for eons now when it hurts no one except everyone who is not rich, corporations, the wealthy & businesses 🤷♀️ What will it take to get them to stop voting& electing this way 🤔
Socialism seems to be this taboo word but it’s an absolute necessity in certain areas. Imagine privatising the police or fire department. A good country always has a mix of capitalism and socialism but either one works and doesn’t work in certain situations. Health care should never be about capitalism it should be provided by the government for everyone.
It's bananas to me how so many people often in poorer, more rural and "red" areas, choose to vote against their own best interests. Its been proven that statistically blue states pay more into social safety net programs (snap, tanf, govt sponsored healthcare, etc) and red states statistically benefit more from those programs. Progressives want to help ALL people thrive by instituting and supporting these programs that the Conservatives tend to defund and dismantle pushing the bootstraps, work harder and personal responsibility agendas w/o removing the silver spoons from their mouths. They fail to realize that they are completely out of touch with average Americans, let alone those living in need of additional assistance.
Socialism has never been a "bad word"… and has been implemented in our country for a very long time, in many ways. I mean, c'mon… haven't we all heard of the Department of SOCIAL SERVICES? Literally the biggest socialist program in our country… I wonder how many folks out there who get SNAP benefits, TANF benefits, and/or any of the other myriad benefits one can receive through S.S. are some of the same folks spreading false information, fear mongering, and rallying against socialism… the folks who like to say that its "one step removed from communism". My guess is MANY. I'm sure they're relying on the benefits from that very SOCIALIST program at this very momet…
When does the trickle down economic effect of all the billionaire tax cuts kick in? Corporations and their CEO’s are eating steak while telling us to eat cold cereal.
They have no clue what governance means, or what capitalism really is in practice. maybe they expect govt to credit their account or buy them a new home.
One of if not our greatest President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a Democratic socialist. He literally pulled the country out of the depression and WWII.
Democratic socialist programs is responsible government in a capitalistic system.
Anything helpful to the people in need is considered a Socialist Party and cutting Taxes for those in need never comes to be.
Under the Biden administration, the stock market has never been higher. Corporate profits are the highest they've ever been. Other than socialism for the rich how is feeding hungry school children socialism??????? Republicans are just dumber that hell!!!!!!!!!!!
Republicans have zero clue about what socialism, or Marxism is. The proof that they are politically clueless about political terms is they think overthrowing their elected government is patriotism and supporting an authoritarian is democracy.
Well said. People need to know what those terms mean so the Republicans can stop scaring them.
Calling them socialists is just promoting them jaja
Brian is awesome. I don't watch ABC, NBC, or CBS. They are entertainment news and Drama.
Go Brian! Keep educating right wing voters! 😊
90% of the right can’t define communism or socialism
Even China, which is governed by a political party called the communist party, is capitalist!
It's really sad too me that Senators like Mitch McConnell could care less about feeding his state!
The GOP have been playing on the ignorance and bigoted fears of its party members for years because it works.
95% sure the only reason my family home in the Ohio country got high speed internet this year was BECAUSE of the infrastructure bill. The previous closest high speed cable we could patch into was 15 miles away, and would have cost thousands for the first installation. Now we got to hook up for free.
Yes Brian you’re getting your great points across your fantastic 😊😊😊❤❤❤
Lets give credit to Cuomo for being one of the few anchors on TV who gets Youtube activists a platform on his show.
If you actually talk to someone who lived under a socialist regime… they would laugh at you for saying we are becoming socialist… people love to throw words around to act smart… but they actually sound ignorant
Tim Walz lost the VP debate, bad. Vance ultimately won the debate. There was no hesitation from him throughout. Just on go exposing Kamala/Joes' failures while burying the majority 4 years strong. However, Walz had a huuuuge hesitation when he got called out on his lie about Tiananmen Square. Started stammering all over the place. It was so awkward, and THAT was the moment that made everyone realize he, Kamala, and Joe have been lying all along. Kick rocks
And he just sits there looking trump…oops I mean stupid
Though the vast majority in America do not want to believe facts& the truth: the truth is is that it is republicans& conservatives in America who actually practice socialism; but they do it in reverse and they do it only for the rich, corporations, the wealthy &businesses. What they do, though it is illegal& immoral, is that they (allegedly) steal from everyone else who is not the rich, corporations, the wealthy & businesses, that is what cuts to social security is, cuts to social security is not actual cuts, it is them stealing from social security, I digress only for them to take the vast majority or if not all that they have (allegedly) stolen and just give it back to the rich, corporations, the wealthy& businesses, which btw that is socialism except that they do it in reverse, they do a reverse Robin Hood, so that they can get bribes, cushy private& public sector jobs and kickbacks; this is trickle down economics aka supply side economics aka Reaganomics 💸‼️📣 But people in America being the law abiding patriots that they are have been voting for this illegal& immoral sins, thefts& crimes for eons now when it hurts no one except everyone who is not rich, corporations, the wealthy & businesses 🤷♀️ What will it take to get them to stop voting& electing this way 🤔
Fuck Yeah…well said…
The USA does not know the meaning of socialism. Talk to the Scandinavians.
Boy I love Brian and how factually dismantles lies and holds a mirror to their face.
Republicans have hitched their wagon to a bunch of maga morons why? 🤢💙🇺🇲💙🇺🇲
Socialism seems to be this taboo word but it’s an absolute necessity in certain areas. Imagine privatising the police or fire department. A good country always has a mix of capitalism and socialism but either one works and doesn’t work in certain situations. Health care should never be about capitalism it should be provided by the government for everyone.
That's why Brian is the s*** I mean the best
Beautifully said
Scary NOT to have these legislations
It's bananas to me how so many people often in poorer, more rural and "red" areas, choose to vote against their own best interests. Its been proven that statistically blue states pay more into social safety net programs (snap, tanf, govt sponsored healthcare, etc) and red states statistically benefit more from those programs. Progressives want to help ALL people thrive by instituting and supporting these programs that the Conservatives tend to defund and dismantle pushing the bootstraps, work harder and personal responsibility agendas w/o removing the silver spoons from their mouths. They fail to realize that they are completely out of touch with average Americans, let alone those living in need of additional assistance.
I graduated from highschool 45 yrs ago and as far as I can remember we had free lunch available from 1st grade thru 12th grade in Texas
I'm sorry, but the "News Station" in the corner is funny as hell
Socialism has never been a "bad word"… and has been implemented in our country for a very long time, in many ways.
I mean, c'mon… haven't we all heard of the Department of SOCIAL SERVICES?
Literally the biggest socialist program in our country… I wonder how many folks out there who get SNAP benefits, TANF benefits, and/or any of the other myriad benefits one can receive through S.S. are some of the same folks spreading false information, fear mongering, and rallying against socialism… the folks who like to say that its "one step removed from communism".
My guess is MANY.
I'm sure they're relying on the benefits from that very SOCIALIST program at this very momet…
When does the trickle down economic effect of all the billionaire tax cuts kick in? Corporations and their CEO’s are eating steak while telling us to eat cold cereal.
They have no clue what governance means, or what capitalism really is in practice. maybe they expect govt to credit their account or buy them a new home.
The Black Panthers fed low income children, look what happened to them. Feeding poor kids, feeding poor anyone is a dangerous idea in the USA.
Red states are the most socialist states because they are dependent on federal funding just to survive.
Democratic socialist programs IS NOT SOCIALISM!!!
One of if not our greatest President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a Democratic socialist. He literally pulled the country out of the depression and WWII.
Democratic socialist programs is responsible government in a capitalistic system.
Do Americans know what Socialism really is?
These nuts jobs don't care….