LAOS – It is a lot totally different than the best way we do it
A glimpse at life in Laos as a foreigner. Our house life, the place we store and why.. having to resume visas.. getting paperwork translated and extra. This video provides you a have a look at one week of my life within the capital of Laos
INSIGHT into Residing in Laos as a Foreigner Our Dwelling, Visas, Buying, Paperwork Translated, Each day Life Vlog
On a regular basis life in Laos, we dwell in Vientiane, Now in Lao with Lao spouse, Neenee Lao life residing in Laos capturing the Lao life-style, each day life in Lao, the place to go in Laos, journey locations, Laos tourism, customs, Lao growth and the way folks dwell in Laos of their journey Laos movies and journey vlogs. Now to Lao, Vlogging Laos S.E.Asia !!
Now in Lao journey vlog
#Laos #NowinLao #LaosVlog
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Kongmany Mahavong / Todd Hales
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Sabaidee and welcome to my channel….Now in Lao!!
My title is Todd and i’m an Australian at present residing in Laos with my spouse, Neenee.
This can be a channel primarily devoted to Laos and the individuals who dwell right here, our each day lives and our travels inside this wonderful nation. Thanks for watching and when you have any questions in any respect, please do not hesitate to ask, by both commenting or contacting me by way of Fb.
Now in Lao …. Vlogging Laos !!
if you have any questions or things you'd like me to talk about when we do the LIVE video streams on our travels after next week, ask below. Cheers
Oui mate…might be better to teach the little one …""cheshire cat grin" Google it…more kid friendly 😁😁😁😁😁😁
The greatest thing about markets is the money stays with the people, not big greedy supermarket chains and corporations that fill fatcat pockets! I hope this never gets outlawed in these countries, it a beautiful thing!
We have similar nasty palms here in California, I cut the palm down because I was getting tired of bleeding!
Asia would lose half of its charm if the outdoor markets went away and would lose a significant amount of its “community feeling” if they went as well.
The bonus to using a western supermarket is that it is consistent in quality + availability where as that is a con in Asia.
However the benefit of the open markets in Thailand is too many to list…. my favourite being that the farmers can sell direct to the customer by-passing most tax. The sellers do a pay a hefty amount to open their stalls in those markets though relative to their profits.
Love the daily life videos Todd👍👍
Hi been watching your videos for long time l just came on a 2 day trip to Laos l think next time need to go away from Venteon, I found quite boring. About your Erica, Spain's eye individual.Having to see a specialist in Bangkok at a great hospital.Public but now I only wear now and then.Support stockings and take one blood thinners a day I'm looking a lot better and no pain keep up the great videos best regards Nigel from Adelaide now in Thailand
I see today China now owns Laos will this be good for your life there ?
Let us hope Laos keeps some of it's unique identity and doesn't become China's most southern "Suburb".
It's just carpel tunnel not that bad thought something serious, I've had it operated on easy recovery
As always Todd, a very good vlog. I do like these daily life videos and as it takes less work and helps to make your right hand better, I am all in favour. The markets and local shops which we use here in Khon Kaen remind me of my childhood where everything was local and community based and you can try before you buy. I can still remember the first help yourself shop in the small town which was only a shop, arranged so that you could take a basket and select your own goods. It was called PayandTake and caused quite a sensation as people felt it was going to take away the personal touch of the local shops. How right they were! I remember having to queue up at Elizabeths the bakers shop at 7:30 a.m. to make sure that I got the 2 types of loaves that my mother liked, They were a Sussex and a Large Bloomer, and woe betide me if I gave into temptation and picked a bit of the warm crust! The hardware shop was like an Aladdin's cave to me as was the grocery store with all its tins and brown bags etc. Butter was in a huge block kept on a cold marble slab and the grocer would expertly cut off a piece and use wooden butter pats to shape it into a rectangular cube, wrap it in greaseproof paper and weigh it out. It would always be about 1/2lb. Similarly with cheese, it would be cut as a wedge from a whole round of cheese. A lot of the shops were still lit by gaslights. Anyway, Laos and Thailand are a bit like stepping back in time, apart from all the motorcycles and cars!! Yes Mina is growing fast and being so active she burns a lot of energy so a better diet is doing her the world of good. Sorry, I've rambled on too long! Keep them coming, young man. God bless you and keep you all safe always. 😀❤🙏
Not only are the the local markets convinient. its a big part of the local community and economy. if everyone shopped in the big boxstores it would be less jobs, more expensive and all the profit would would go to some probably transnational corporation while te local farmers gets screwed. its been outlawed pretty much most of the west. everything needs government approval and certification and tax stamps. selling raw milk and meat gets you arrested many places.
Love the daily life videos! Good luck on your trip- travel safe.
did you get use the taste of padaek fermented fish sauce?
Great video Todd bless u nee nee and Mina ❤🎉
Thank you for your videos. I’ve done two trips to Southeast Asia, from Canada. One trip to Thailand for four months, and another trip to Cambodia for two months followed by four days in Bangkok, Thailand. And then flew back to Canada again.
Planning on returning and living the rest of my life there. Perhaps in Siem Reap. But I would love to visit Laos for a while.
Just wondering if some of those bars and restaurants in Vang Vieng or in the 4,000 Islands still have their funny “happy” menus with unusual items listed?
Take care, and have safe travels and a happy life.
Namo Buddhaya 🙏🏼 ☸️ 🌴 🙂
Hey Todd Neenee & Mina! I love the "open air" markets; fresh and unpackaged. Visiting my paternal grandmother for the first time in 1973, was treated t this experience by accompanying cousin's multiple times daily to shop for each meal. There's also the personal interaction with the vendors. Mina's such a sweet child. Not a problem with the quantity of your videos; prioritize your health. Will still follow the channel. Pay someone for the upkeep of your property! Not worth jeopardizing your health; no pain or discomfort. Should be using compression leggings if not opting for surgery. Loving everything you and Neenee do to give Mina a better future and life. Comical that you're introducing Neenee to Western colloquialisms. Hahahahaha Love Mina's funny side; is she getting taller or is it my imagination? Everyday life videos draw a interesting perspective into Laotian living and culture. Funny how I asked about her height before you commented on it. Stay happy and healthy
All right I've gone down the rabbit hole looking for the origins of "shit eating grin!" LOL It seems to have appeared in literature in the 1950's with one theory being that it derives from "shingle-eating grin," which was used 2x in US military write ups during WWII. Shingle-eating grin derives from eating "shit on a shingle" which is what GIs called chipped beef on toast. My proper mother would never allow us to use this expression, but we used "Cheshire cat grin" in it's place 🙂
1. Are you marking on a door frame Mina's height every six months? This was such a common thing to do in the US in 1960s and 70s. How much has she actually grown since September?
2. How do you fill your gas tank on the extended road trips? Do you carry a jerrycan of extra gas?
3. How do you decide where to go on an extended road trip?
4. Are you thinking at some point that Mina's family will realize how much farther ahead she will be then her brother and want her brother to have the same education and advantages that she is getting now? I know that the agreement is for you to pay for his education, but there's a huge difference between a village education and the one that Mina is receiving in the city.
5. I can't wait to see Mina's reaction when you travel to Australia! How will she process being the "foreigner?" How huge and clean everything is! Will you have her write/draw/record her day each day? It will be a priceless souvenir.
6. Do you have to pay duty on the beanies and other things that are mailed to you in Laos?
7. Do you have planned schoolwork or activities for Mina during the summer so that she keeps learning? She is such a sponge soaking up everything!
I think you are pretty damn lucky that Neenee allows you to drive her brand new car LOL!
I love the daily life videos – especially if they are around the 15-20 minute length. Perfect for watching while taking a break. But I also love the longer format adventure videos. So glad that your wrist is healing. Bette Davis quote, "Getting old isn't for sissies!" Ain't that the truth : )
When are you going to do a video with Mario and Olivia?
OUCH! I hope your leg will be ok. And yes I do like your videos showing what you do from day to day to keep busy. Thank you for sharing. 😁😁😁
Hi Todd
Have you ever tried a vertical mouse.
It has made a huge difference with my hand and arm. Has it holds it in a more natural way.
daily life, if you go to supermarket see if you can give the price of food booze etc and white goods TVs
What about the flies? non-refrigeration etc.?
no electric tools there?
no temp plates from the dealer?
really do like the daily life vlogs watching that big squirt grow is a real treat
Hemp oil extract applied topically for skin cancer and prevention.
Mina, what did you do with your front teeth? Did ya sell'em?
All Good Todd just thought of seeing what your up to
Great work Todd, I really enjoy the daily life vids.
Lol little weight lifter there mate
Oh Todd looks not good
Video is still great 👍