From March 6 to March 8, 2025 in some areas of Cambodia will proceed to rain from 15% to twenty%, as temperatures vary from 36 ° C to 36 ° C. The case has rained by the area as a result of northeastern monsoon, masking the low stress on the China Sea and within the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and within the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and within the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and within the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and on the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and on the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and on the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and within the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and on the Kingdom of Decrease Mekong and within the Kingdom of Cambodia. Based on the Ministry of Water Sources and Meteorology on the morning of March 6, 2025.
Based on such a state of affairs, from March 6 to March 2025, 2025 may have a mean temperature of the minimal of 23 ° C and a most of 35 ° C. The wind was from the Northeast and the common velocity of three meters per second. Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Battambang, Kampong Thom Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, Kampong Thom, Tbong Khum, Khum, Svay Rieng, Central and Takeo might have rain masking 15%.
The highlands have a mean of minimal 24 ° C and a most of 36 ° C. Winds from the Northeast and the common velocity of two meters per second. Kampong Speu, Pailin, Oddar Meanchey, Kratie, Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri might have rain masking 15%.
The coastal space has a minimal common temperature of 23 ° C and a most common temperature of 35 ° C. Winds from Northeast and Southeast with a mean velocity of three meters per second. Koh Kong, Preah Sihanoukville, Kampot Kep and Bokor Mountain might have rain masking 20%. The ocean waves are at minimal peak of 0.25 meters and a mean peak of 0.75 meters.

The Submit of Cambodia continues to rain on March 8, Appeared First First Kampuchea Thy Every day.