#ngothichau #singlemother #backyard
17 yr previous single mom gardening with kids, assist the previous woman clear the home
within the video: as we speak I cleaned the brand new home, gardened with my kids and helped the previous woman clear the home. Life nonetheless has many difficulties forward, however I’ll attempt to do the whole lot for my kids
Thanks for visiting my channel and supporting my movies. I want you and your loved ones good well being and peace.
Please take excellent care of your well being.
at last you're now living in peace and comfortable..pray you're mother in law knows nothing where you are residing now.
Buti nlng dpa alam ng mother in law mong baliw kung nasaan ka.take care and your baby
Desejo a você saúde, sorte e prosperidade❤Amo vocês💋💋
Que bien que encontraste alguien que te ayude a ti y ál bebé solo repara y limpia el lugar tienes que trabajar duro para seguir adelante Dios te bendiga
Voce te mae muito bonito lindo voce amo su mae ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉
Did you wash the pillowcase before you lay on it and stop being silly go into the garden and build yourself a good bed and a crib or cot for the baby to sleep in and a playpen for the baby so it can watch your when you are in the garden and looks around instead of just laying on the floor you can start and clear the garden to grow crop and go out and gather some crop to sell at the market and get some money to buy food and seeds to plant and if the lady that is letting you stay in the house let's you could buy chickens and ducks and then maybe goats and pigs to help you earn money you need to get yourself organised and let the baby play it is content playing on its own
You are not making a good job of clearing around the house clear one side and then the other you have so much and just need a bit of hard work to get yourself earning money you have out houses that's already built and the house could be made beautiful if you put more work into it
Please dont put ur son under the sun
We're is sub tittle in English 😮😮😮😮😮
Porque sua sogra te persegue tanto?
Espero que sua sogra malvada não encontre vc mais, que mulher malvada, não ter dó do neto que é sangue dela, por neto é filho duas vezes, porque é filho do nosso filho, eu considero assim
Mais vc tá se saindo muito bem, logo vai ter bastante hortaliças pra vc comer e vender
Cadê seu marido?
Ele vijou a trabalho?
Água é tudo em nossas vidas
Vc tá deixando tudo limpinho, muito bom trabalho, vc é trabalhadora
Eu acgei essa casa muito linda
Quem é essa senhora?
Por favor traduza em português, obrigada
Vc é tão carinhosa com a senhorinha
Vc vai cuidar dessa senhora?
Ela é parente sua?
Eu comecei seguir vc agora por isso tou tão curiosa
You are doing a great job on the garden 🪴 it is wonderful to see the plants 🌱 coming up and turning the yard green again. The baby is happy and seeing you not looking 👀 so sad, is a nice surprise 😲.
She didn't work good slow better you eat first so that you have a strong to work not like that it is same you cannot take the grass
Плохо что нет перевода на русский язык.
Очень медлительная. Вроде делает, а все на месте. Надо было пол вымыть. Ступеньки поправь упадешь на них. Убирай двор понемногу. Женщина должна уют создавать. Пришла на все готовое, наведи порядок