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16 September 2024 The Hindu Information and Editorial Dialogue by Deepak Yadav Schooling
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Proprietor(s) – The Hindu Group, and
Kasturi and Sons Restricted
Founder(s)- G. Subramania Iyer
Writer-N. Ravi
Editor- Suresh Nambath
Based- 20 September 1878;
Language- English
Headquarters- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Circulation1,415,792 Day by day(as of December 2019)
OCLC number13119119
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#upsc #16_September_2024 #16_ September_2024 CurrentAffairs #September2024 #September #September_24 #hindu
0:38 – map
0:54 – practice question
1:48 Taj Mahal and ASI
9:21 – UPSC рyq 2004
9:39 class-e-notes
11:15-one nation one election
25:18 – Nipah virus
30:16 – Typhoon (Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar), operation sadbhav
34:25 – CIC (central information commission)
43:10-space sector
53:05 – Daily mains question
54:53 – Digital advertisement
1:05:25 – Houthi (missile fired) and Philadelphi corridor25:18 Nipan virus
34:25 – CIC (central information commission)
43:10-space sector
53:05 – Daily mains question
54:53 – Digital advertisement
1:05:25 – Houthi (missile fired) and Philadelphia corridor
1:11:12 – word of the day+
1:11:47 discussion
Nigeria is a african country
3 country share boundary
I'm not in favour of one nation one election
My friend is callow in upsc
Iam against the one nation one election because, if any state party gets dissoved then again there will be separate elections.
Your teaching style is superb Thank you so much for this hard work for our bright future sir ❤ .
nigeria in africa capital abuja
I am callow in talking falsehood
Yes " one nation , one election " is right
Sir current affairs ka ak hi video banayiye mix करके इससे देखने me आसानी होती h
He is callow in computer
Nigeria is located प. अफ्रीका
There is a callow job opening here.
Instead of completing my graduation,I'm a callow girl
Thanks sir 😊
Thank you sir
Jai hind day 1🎉
Being a callow in UPSC preparations you're helping alot sir😊
Thank you sir
One nation one election is good for less money purpose but are more challenging so IEC and also government want to modify different level one nation one election means it's good but something change
Many callow people are rejected by many companies due to lack of experience.
KBC mein how many years it took to build Taj Mahal aya apne 17 years padhya tha but uska answer is 22 years
लीक बंद नहीं कर पाते ..
Callow fellows can be usefull after well training
I started working in this bank as callow employee .
I am against to one nation one election …. Because border security bhahut jaroori hai kisi country ka dovelopmet sa bhi jyada
✍️Map🌏:Nigeria 🇳🇬:
👉 Nigeria 🇳🇬,officially the federal Republic of Nigeria🇳🇬, is a country located in west Africa.
👉 It is bordered by the Niger🇳🇪 to the north, Chad🇹🇩 to the northeast, Cameroon🇨🇲 to the east, Benin🇧🇯 to the west.
👉 Capital➡️ Abuja.
✍️UPSC:PQ:Ans:-c) Both 1 and 2
I'm callow than others
word of the day
sentence – The callow intern made several mistakes during his first week, but he quickly learned from them and improved.
pyq – c
thank you sir
Sir please add bnd kr dijiye
PRELB ..archeolgy of syrbry come under ministry of cultire
GS PAPER 1 ART AND CULTURE ..due to climate change some water come from.the taj mahal heavy rainfall happens archwolgyical suebt of india tell became in 1861 alexamder cunngham knowms as the father of that and unocef united nation educatiom cultural.
GS PAPER 1 GEOGRAPHY ..typhoon happems in the myanmar and tge laos side means north east here cyclone like india name given as typhoon .
Condition required …
27 degree temperature
Low pressure area wuth high pressure .
In austrialia side say by the name willy willy and nketh east typhon and americaexico sode s the huricane
Yagi name
Imdoa provides lot of money and tone wheat etc for the people by believing in the vasudev kutambkam
Thank you❤❤