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# Brief drama # Full assortment of brief dramas # The most recent brief dramas # Well-liked brief dramas # Brief drama suggestions # Watch it in a single go # multisub # Revenge # Shuangwen # Chasing spouse crematorium # Cinderella # Overbearing president # Candy pet # romantic # shortdrama # shortdrama assortment #newest shortdrama #widespread shortdrama #newshortdrama #shortdramachinese #shortdramafull #shortdramaenglish #shortdramaengsub #kdrama #dramachina #koreandrama #chinesedrama #shortdramachannel #Cinderella #domineering president #candy pet #romantic
Idiot woman,…
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Жалко, что главные герои остались вместе, не бывает счастливых отношений с токсичным мужчиной, ведь есть рядом ребёнок, надо думать о нём, когда отношения изначально были плохими, их не может спасти даже наличие детей, это доказывает жизнь, потом этот ребёнок будет с кучей комплексов идти дальше по жизни.
😂😂😂 film disana apa memang benar perempuaan disana gampangan bangetpura2 saja gak suka tapu nyusur juga cari perhatiaan rata2 film disana gitu perempuaannya yang yosur duluaan
Pésimo Minidrama Ml es cabrón, Fl es humillada por Ml, la madre de Ml y su propia familia y al final lo perdona, mejor se hubiese quedado con el 2Ml.
Lo siento por el Ml, el niño actor es muy talentoso.
Espero que escojan mejores guiones.
Kok ada ya seorang wanita yng sdh pantas jd nenek jahat sm anak kecil..
丈夫在床上喊着其他女子名字 就應离婚走人
Why go back. ? Wastage of time. No revenge … Alas
It’s incredible that after what he did and caused his son to be ill, and yet she goes back to him. He tried to kill her and called her murderer and abused her in the marriage and steel. This is what she does. I do not recommend this seriesor movie whatever it is to anybody because it’s disgusting and it is wrong to show us that a Chinese woman would do this. Here is a good man that is helping her and yet he is overlooked.
Isso é uma cidade sem lei porque a pessoa invade o hospital agride o médico e não chega a polícia não tem segurança no hospital agredir um paciente sendo uma criança falta muita coisa ainda para esse escritor melhorar porque é só violência😢😢😢
The thing that angers me about this also, is the fact that this girl after this woman did the kidnapping will probably still see the grandson. I have not heard this girl tell her she will never see her grandson ever because she wants her son as a husband again. If any of this is being shown by Chinese girlsand their 20s for the sake of getting subscribers then they should be ashamed of themselves because people of other countries are watching this and they are going to assume that Chinese women are like this. You are creating stereotypical ideas for others to believe and see.
Jahat bangt suaminya ng mau sang istri hamil dipaksa minum obat jug sang mertua super jaht suami sam mertua sam2 jaht setelah beberap tahun ank nya sudah besar dia muncul dan menginginkan ank istrinya sedang dia pny istri baru yg sifatnya sam ky ibu nya
😮 cruel
Read the comments Fl going back to him. Na, not watching weak revenge.
Quello che hai nel cuore e ciò che prevale…nn so può cambiare i sentimenti dopo tanto male… perdonare e molto difficile… Nn con soldi e potere può comprare il perdono….ma l'amore sincero nel tempo può fare….tanto male per soldi questa e la famiglia? Anche nella vita reale nelle famiglie si fa guerra …la storia parla molto di sentimenti…e questo è bello….bravi tutti gli attori..ma il applauso va al piccolo 👏👏👏👏
Ужасный фильм, как может женщина прощать такое , я в шоке ,. Даже если любишь очень сильно человека, такое отношение к себе нельзя прощать. Это уже не уважение к самой себе. Надеюсь в жизни так себя не ведут женщины. Не будут брать пример с этой женщины
no tendria que haber vuelto con el marido…bien por el niño que puso en la tarjeta ..(gracias pero no perdono)…es el unico sensato en esta historia
I only watched this drama for the little boy. He’s so cute and a good little actor. I have seen him in other dramas as well. I noticed that in mostly all the dramas the mobile phone comes in very handy for the Mistresses/ Side Chicks and Green Teas. They use it to order: Kidnapping/ Killing/ Stealing/ Framing/ DNA samples to be swapped and so on. The phone has many different kinds of uses for them. Just one call and the job is done. 😂😂😂
ML and FL quite good chemistry and bring their characters well. All the antagonist characters well done. First half was quite irritated but next half all the truth came out. Sometimes in life certain things no choice …we have accept 😢 like accept back her husband. The child is very brave enough to tell what he fel t. He is quite good. SML young and handsome. Talented too. Rest of the team done well. Good job team. 😊
Fl ran away while pregnant as she knew the husband would force her to have an abortion , he did not want to have a child with her, he was arrogant and let his mother abuse his wife in his presence, very disturbing to watch these wives abused by husbands, mistresses and mother in laws
Свекруха через 4 года все в одном платье, спит наверное тоже в нем😂
Нельзя прощать эту семейку , им лечиться надо, свекруха злыдня,муж не лучше, как он заталкивал ей таблетки в рот, какая тут любовь🤮🥵😭
The music is too loud
Mesmo que não fosse neto desta bruxa, ela jamais poderia usar de tanta violência contra a criança,
E essa retardada desta mãe ainda perdoa, jamais eu deixaria meu filho conviver com uma avó desta,nunca…nunquinha, ela é o exemplo de tudo que é perverso 😡😡😡
Ça m'a toujours fait rire, le mec qui peut pas saquer sa femme mais il couche avec elle quand même😂😂😂 mon dieu ce film est débile et vulgaire, le scénariste doit être complètement dégénéré
No sé…
A mi un señor que se supone que es mi marido…
Me agarra del cuello de esa forma…
Ya tiene la cruz en la frente. No lo toco ni con un palo…
La violencia es violencia, sea del género q sea… Relación rota para siempre… No vale la pena y no cambiará.😖